Neural tube defects, anencephaly, spina bifidaAbstract
O b j e c t i v e : To know the frequency of NTD among total births in teaching Hospital Rahim Yar Khan and to know the
possible causes of neural tube defects in area of Rahim Yar Khan D e s i g n : Prospective study Setting: Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology Sheikh Zayed Medical College/Hospital Rahim Yar Khan P e r i o d : One year from November 2006 to October 2007. Patients
& M e t h o d s : All pregnant mothers were registered in the study but only those were selected who were diagnosed during pregnancy or after
delivery as a case of NTD. Results: Out of 6701 live births, a total of 52 cases were diagnosed as NTD. The information was collected by
taking history along with ultrasound findings and biochemical tests. The incidence came out is 7-8/1000 live births. The maternal mean age
was 28.9 years and more common in primigravida i.e. 33% and 30% were grand multigravida. 75.3% of women belonged to low income
group, and were not taking proper balanced diet. 80% lived in Joint family and 96.2% females were house wives. 96% cases of NTD were
detected by ultrasound at mean gestation of 21.66 wks. The most common NTD was anencephaly found in 67% of cases, spina bifida 29%
and encephalocele was found only in 4% of cases. The male; female ratio was 2:3.74% of women had Hb level less then 10gm/dl and in
20 women the type of anaemia was macrocytic- hypochromic. C o n c l u s i o n : Low socio-economic status, poverty and poor dietary habits
may be factors for higher incidence of neural tube defects. Our study provides new data for the health care providers to improve health
facilities and their utilization and iron and folic acid supplementation targeted to all women of child bearing age to prevent neural tube defects.

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