Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, H.T.N, D.M ac, Cholecystitis, cirrhosis, advanced ageAbstract
O b j e c t i v e : To determine the frequency of bleeding, surgical site infection and common bile duct injury after laparoscopic
Cholecystectomy in patients with co-morbidity. S t u d y d e s i g n : Descriptive study. (Case series). S e t t i n g : Department of Allied & D.H.Q
hospital Faisalabad. P e r i o d : July 2006 to December 2007. Patients a n d M e t h o d s : It comprised of 30 consecutive patients of cholelithiasis
with co-morbidity presenting in surgical department. Patients having uncontrolled hypertension, chronic obstructive airway disease and
malignancy were excluded. Detailed history and physical examination was carried out as per protocol. It was followed up by relevant
investigations. All the cases underwent laparoscopic cholecstectomy. R e s u l t s : The age of the patients ranged from 23-68 y, with mean age
of 40-56 y. Among these 14 cases were having D.M (46.66 %), 06 patients were cirrhotic (20%), 06 patients had acute cholecystitis (20%),
02 patients were having H.T.N (6.6%), and 02 patients were >70 years (6.6%). All the patients were females. Out of diabetic patients
undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy, SSI was noted in 02 (6.66%) patients. While mild postoperative bleeding was noted in 01 (16.6%)
of cirrhotic patients after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. No untoward event was noted in patients with H.T.N ac. Cholecystitis & advanced
age. C o n c l u s i o n : In high risk patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy, very few complications were noted. Postoperatively.
Morbidity following above procedure was quite low as compared to conventional one. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy should be the preferred
option in high risk patients for better outcome.

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