
  • MUHAMMAD AFZAL DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad
  • MUSTARSHED AHMED DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad
  • MUHAMMAD SAJID SHEIKH Punjab Medical College Faisalabad.




Dehiscence, Laparotomy, Serosanguinous


Introduction: Exploratory laparotomy is a common procedure performed at the surgical floor, mainly in emergency. The need for exploration ranges from cases of abdominal trauma to those of preexisting abdominal ailments. Wound dehiscence, either partial or complete does occur after laparotomy and a number of studies have been performed to find out its frequency after laparotomy and to pin point the factors responsible for this complication. This study is designed to find out the frequency of wound dehiscence after exploratory laparotomy. Also it will compare frequency of wound dehiscence in trauma cases verses cases of abdominal pathology. O b j e c t i v e s : (1) To work out frequency of wound dehiscence after exploratory laparotomy. (2) To know the differential frequency of wound dehiscence after acute abdominal trauma compared with those having preceding underlying pathology and were explored. S t u d y D e s i g n : It was a prospective observational study. Settings: Surgical units Allied Hospital, Faisalabad department of surgery. S a m p l e Size: 200 patients operated in emergency and elective lists for abdominal exploration. S a m p l i n g t e c h n i q u e : Non probability (convenience). E x c l u s i o n criteria: (1) Children less than 10 years (2) Sub costal incision (3) Pfennensteil incision (4) Morrison's' incision (5) Grid iron incision and; (6) Incisions to explore the kidney were excluded. (7) Those patients who expired in emergency just after exploration. Inclusion criteria: All patients above 10 years opened by midline laparotomy incision. R e s u l t s : Out of 200 patients, 20 got wound dehiscence. It included 7 from Group I and 13 from Group 2. C o n c l u s i o n : Improved surgical technique, early arrival in hospital and control of infection can bring the incidence of wound dehiscence after exploratory laparotomy down to a level comparable to international figures.

Author Biographies

MUHAMMAD AFZAL, DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad

Senior Registrar Surgery

MUSTARSHED AHMED, DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad

Senior Medical Officer

MUHAMMAD SAJID SHEIKH, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad.

Professor of Surgery






Origianl Article