
  • EJAZ AHMAD JAVED Allied/DHQ Hospital, PMC, Faisalabad.




MR= Medial rectus, LR= lateral rectus, IR= inferior rectus, SR= superior rectus, IO= inferior oblique, SO= superior oblique, IOP= intra ocular pressure, DS= Duane, s syndrome, FDT= forced duction test, SLE=Slit lamp examination, EOM= extra ocular muscles, CNS= central nervous system, RA= rheumatoid arthritis


Objectives: To describe a family suffering from Duane’s Syndrome. Study Design: Case series studies. Setting: Diagnosis and Research department of Ophthalmology, Allied Hospital ,PMC, Faisalabad Period; Oct 2009 (One month).Presentation: A Gentle man , 65 years old , shopkeeper , resident of Jaranwala, Faisalabad, presented with his four children two male and two female with complaint of asymmetry of their unilateral eyes, since birth. There was no history of maternal intake of drugs, or smoking during pregnancy. There was no history of trauma or surgery. On examination the unaided vision of all the study cases was 6/6, 6/6.The cornea, conjunctiva , lens, iris, pupil, vitreous and retina of all the subjects was normal. The IOP of the all was also with in normal range. The ocular motility and lid fissure narrowing was noted in different ocular gazes. The lymph nodes and Thyroid gland examination was done. The Hiss screen test was done to quantify
individual muscle action. The Levator function test, cover tests, papillary reactions, Slit Lamp Examination, Fundus examination were performed. The lids fatigue ability tests and strength of hands grip was estimated at the last.All cranial nerves were examined. Urine ,Blood and Thyroid tests were requested and documented. Results; The all the cases had lid fissure narrowing in one of their horizontal gazes. The all of them had under action of one of their horizontal muscles. So all the children had been proved to be suffering from unilateral Familial Duane’s Syndrome. In our clinical practice the Familial DS is rarely found None of the study patients showed amblyopia, diplopia, upshots or down shoots phenomenon. Similarly no associated systemic anomalies were seen.

Author Biography

EJAZ AHMAD JAVED, Allied/DHQ Hospital, PMC, Faisalabad.

Senior Registrar Ophthalmology






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