
  • MUHAMMAD AKRAM Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • MUHAMMAD NAZIM Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • MUHAMMAD REHMAN GULZAR Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Javed Iqbal Allied Hospital Faisalabad.



Agriculture machine injuries, degloving injuries, amputation, morbidity


O b j e c t i v e s : (1) To determine the extent of agricultural injuries in term of their site, severity, management and type of
agriculture machine. (2) To determine the techniques that can decrease the morbidity and mortality caused by agricultural injuries. S t u dy
d e s i g n : Descriptive study. S e t t i n g : This study was conducted in surgical department of Allied & DHQ hospital Faisalabad. P e r i o d : January
2007 to December 2007. Material a n d M e t h o d s : This descriptive study was performed in 40 consecutive patients in surgical department
DHQ/Allied hospital Faisalabad during Jan.2007 to Dec.2007.AII people who got agricultural injuries were included. People who got traumatic
injuries other than agricultural machines were excluded. All injuries were noted with respect to the age and sex of the patient, site, size, and
severity of injury, and type of agricultural machine. Management was done accordingly. Result: Out of 40 cases, 34 [85%] were male and
06[15%] were female. In 25 cases [67.5%] fodder cutter were involved. In 10 cases[25%]pinching machines [gears, belt, chain machines] were
involved .03 cases [7.5%]run over by machine. 02 cases [05%]by harvesting machines In 30 cases[75%]upper limb was involved. In 05 [12.5%]
cases scalp injuries were noted. In 02 cases [05%] genitalia were avulsed. In 03cases [7.5%] lower limb was involved. Injuries range from simple
lacerations, degloving injuries, tendons &vessels injuries &finally amputations. C o n c l u s i o n : Mostly young male population is involved in
agricultural machine injuries. Morbidity of .agricultural machine injuries can be reduced by modifying design of agriculture machines, by training
farm workers & by their proper treatment.

Author Biographies

MUHAMMAD AKRAM, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.

Assistant Professor of Surgery

MUHAMMAD NAZIM, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.


MUHAMMAD REHMAN GULZAR, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.

Assistant Professor of Surgery

Javed Iqbal, Allied Hospital Faisalabad.

Professor of Surgery SU-III






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