
  • MASOOD JAVED Punjab Medical College / Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • KHALID AMIN Punjab Medical College / Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • DILSHAD MUHAMMAD DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad
  • Aamir Husain Punjab Medical College Faisalabad
  • Nasir Mahmood Punjab Medical College Faisalabad



Duodenal Ulcer, H.pylori, Gastritis, Acid Peptic Disease


Background: Acid peptic disease is a world wide problem among all the age groups and both sexes. Duodenal ulcer is common as compared to gastric ulcer. Its prevalence being 4:1 in USA & UK and 5:1 in Pakistan1,2,3. Etiology of peptic ulcer is almost certainly multi-factorial. Basic paradigm for ulcer disease is the imbalance between the digestive activity of acid and pepsin and the protective mechanism in place to
resist mucosal digestion. Over the past few years a new line of thought has been evolved after isolating spiral campylobacter like organism from antral biopsy specimens. H pylori is now considered to be an important if not the only causative agent of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. The dictum; No acid – No ulcer summarized the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease but new dictum seems to be; No H.pylori -No ulcer4,5, as over
90% of Duodenal ulcer and 70% of Gastric ulcer patients are infected byH.Pylori6. Aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of H.pylori among Duodenal ulcer patients at Faisalabad District and its suburbs. Study Design: Descriptive Study. Period: From Mar 2008 to Oct 2008. Materials and Methods: 50 patients (40 Males, 10 Females) belonging to Faisalabad District and surrounding areas with upper gastrointestinal symptoms of acid peptic disease and endoscopy proved duodenal ulcer were subjected to gastric antral mucosal biopsies for evaluation of the H.Pylori status with the help of unease test and histological examination of biopsy specimen. Results: Epigastric pain was the most frequent symptom 90%. (46 out of 50 patients). 92% showed evidence of H. pylori infection. Maximum incidence of H. pylori was recorded
in age group IV (46—55 years). Maximum number of patients was skilled workers (35 out of 50) 70%. 80 % of the patients belonged to lower and middle class. Percentage of H.pylori positivity was 89.1 % and 84.34 %. Conclusions: Acceptance of contributory role and high prevalence rate of H.pylori instigates us for addition of antimicrobial treatment to the conventional treatment with H2 Blockers and PPIs which is cost effective
and alter the course of the disease.

Author Biographies

MASOOD JAVED, Punjab Medical College / Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.

Assistant Professor of Medicine

KHALID AMIN, Punjab Medical College / Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.

Associate Professor of Medicine

DILSHAD MUHAMMAD, DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad

Consultant Physician

Aamir Husain, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad

Associate Professor of Medicine

Nasir Mahmood, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad

Registrar of Medicine






Origianl Article