
  • Nazim Jatt Al-Tibri Medical College, Karachi.
  • Farhat Bano Al-Tibri Medical College, Karachi.
  • Iqbal Ahmed Memon Al-Tibri Medical College, Karachi.
  • Mohammad Saleh Memon Al-Tibri Medical College, Karachi
  • Mohammad Ahmed Azmi Al-Tibri Medical College, Karachi



Primary vaginal hydrocele, Hydrocelectomy, Surgical procedures, Supra pubic approach.


Background: A hydrocele is a fluid - filled sac surrounding a testis that results
in the swelling of scrotum. They can develop due to inflammation or injury within the scrotum.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and adaptation of different surgical
procedures in the repair of hydrocele. Study design: Comparative, Retrospective study .Place
and duration of Study: The study was conducted at Fauji Foundation Hospital Karachi , Al-Tibri
Medical College, Karachi and Civil Hospital Karachi from January, 2000 to December, 2013.
Patients and methods: Patients with primary vaginal hydrocele registered during the period
of thirteen years in the out patient department of surgery were selected. A total of 300 patients
were assessed clinically, diagnostically and radiologically about the status of hydrocele before
the surgical procedures and anesthetic opinion. The different surgical technique were carried
out in different group of patients asJaboulay’s technique in 70 patients, Lord’s procedure in 70
patients, Aspiration and Sclerotherapy in 05 patients, Window operation technique in 05 patients
and the Hydrocelectomyby supra pubic procedure were carried out in 150 patients out of total
300 registered patients. The data collected and analyzed statistically in SPSS version 19.00.
Results: The different procedures have been adopted surgically in patients with primary vaginal
hydrocele. The results showed that among the different operative techniques adopted, the best
procedure regarding hydrocelectomy is the supra pubic approach line of treatment. It showed
better result and recovery with very minimum complications and side effects as compared to
other surgical procedure. Conclusions: The data thus concluded that hydrocelectomy done
via supra pubic approach in number of patients proved to be the best procedure because of
having very little complications.

Author Biographies

Nazim Jatt, Al-Tibri Medical College, Karachi.

Associate Prof. of Surgery

Farhat Bano, Al-Tibri Medical College, Karachi.

Assistant Prof. of Surgery

Iqbal Ahmed Memon, Al-Tibri Medical College, Karachi.

Prof. of Surgery

Mohammad Saleh Memon, Al-Tibri Medical College, Karachi

Prof. of Pathology

Mohammad Ahmed Azmi, Al-Tibri Medical College, Karachi

Prof. of Physiology






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