

  • Farzana Kishwar Government College of Home Economics, Gulberg, Lahore
  • Asif Hanif Gulab Devi PGMI Lahore
  • Samia Kalsoom Govt. College of Home Economics, Gulberg, Lahore
  • Shahzad Alam PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore.
  • Mohammad Tariq Sohail King Edward Medical University, Lahore
  • Mehreen Ijaz Lahore college women university, Jail Road, Lahore.



Pore size, surgical gowns,


… Majority of the public and private sector hospitals are using reusable gowns and
scrubs whereas only a few hospitals are using disposable ones. Protection during surgery is very
important both for the patient as well as for the surgeon. The reasons are not only hygienic but
also creating a barrier so that the bacteria and the viruses do not transfer from patient to doctor
and vice versa. The surgical gowns have been in use for many decades. With the advancements
in the field of manufacturing (weaving and finishing), the quality of gowns has been improving
over the period of time. In Pakistan, there is no awareness yet regarding the construction of
surgical apparels viz. surgical gowns and scrubs so no standards are being followed as such
during the manufacturing (weaving & finishing) of surgical apparels. For effective barrier function
of surgical gowns and scrubs, it is necessary for them to comply with certain standards in terms of
physical characteristics viz. mass per unit area, number of threads per unit length, tensile
strength etc. The idea behind this study was to evaluate the physical characteristics of surgical
gowns and scrubs currently being used in different public sector hospitals of Lahore. Objectives:
(1) To evaluate the pore size of existing and experimental surgical gowns being used in different
hospitals of Lahore. (2) To compare the pore size analysis of existing surgical gowns with
experimental surgical gowns. Study Design: Experimental study design was used. Duration:
January 2014- April 2014. Materials and Methods: Samples of fabric used for making surgical
gowns and scrubs were collected from different hospitals of Lahore and evaluated for pore size
with the help of optic microscope. For experimental gowns the fabric was developed according to
the international standards. Pore size of surgical gowns was measured with the help of scanning
electron microscope. Results: The results showed large pores in existing surgical gown. No
length or width wise pores in the experimental surgical gowns fabric except there are tiny holes of
0.5 after 20 launderings. The existing reusable surgical gowns did not offer any resistance against
bacterial penetration because of large pores. Conclusions: The fabric used for the existing
surgical gowns was not up to the mark and did show large pores under microscope. The
experimental surgical gown showed no pores in the fabric structure when subjected to scanning
electron microscope. The functional ability of resistance against bacterial penetration of the
surgical gowns is important because the risk of SSI. If the patient develops SSI weather it is
grades 1, 2 or 3, the cost is significant. The cost effectiveness of the existing reusable surgical
gowns becomes insignificant as none of the existing surgical gowns offer any resistance against
bacterial penetration and the risk of SSI with subsequent treatment cost. Necessary guidelines
can be formulated and proposed to the concerned departments of various hospitals, in the light
of which they can design some specifications and select appropriate materials for surgical
apparels in future.

Author Biographies

Farzana Kishwar, Government College of Home Economics, Gulberg, Lahore

Assistant Professor,
Department of Textiles & Clothing

Asif Hanif, Gulab Devi PGMI Lahore

Assistant Prof and
HOD of Biostatistics

Samia Kalsoom, Govt. College of Home Economics, Gulberg, Lahore

3. Principal,

Shahzad Alam, PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore.

Director General,

Mohammad Tariq Sohail, King Edward Medical University, Lahore

Professor of Orthopedics,
Head of Orthopedics Department,

Mehreen Ijaz, Lahore college women university, Jail Road, Lahore.

Lecturer Home economics






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