Association of breath holding spells with in children with iron deficiency anemia.


  • Syed Qamar `Zaman Military Hospital Rawalpindi
  • Arshad Mahmood PNS Shifa Naval Hospital Karachi
  • Shabbir Ahmed Military Hospital Rawalpindi
  • Shahid Mahmud Military Hospital Rawalpindi



Children, breath holding spells, iron deficiency anemia, , association


Objective: To determine the association of breath holding spells with iron
deficiency anemia in children. Study Design: Case control study. Place and Duration of Study:
Military Hospital Rawalpindi from Jun 2012 to Dec 2012. Study Population: Sixty children of
either gender meeting inclusion criteria aged 6 months to 5 years with 30 of breath holding spells in
case group and 30 in control group as healthy children were included in the study after informed
consent from parents. Method: Complete blood picture and serum ferritin levels were performed
of all children in both case and control groups. Tests were carried out at AFIP Rawalpindi. All data
was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 10. Frequencies and percentages were calculated
for categorical (qualitative) variables like sex and children having iron deficiency anemia in cases
and controls. Mean and Standard Deviation (SD) was calculated for numerical (quantitative)
variable like Age. Odds ratio was calculated from the data of cases and controls. Regarding iron
deficiency anemia p value <0.05 was considered as significant. Results: In this study, we
recorded 43.33% (n=13) cases were between 0.6-3 years and 56.67% (n=17) were between 4-5
years while 53.33% (n=16) controls were between 0.6-3 years and 46.67% (n=14) were between
4-5 years. Mean±SD was calculated as 3.3+1.46 years in cases and 2.93+1.48 years in control
group. Male children were 60% (n=18) in patient group and 46.67% (n=14) in controls group
.Female children were 40% (n=12) in patient and 53.33% (n=16) in control group respectively.
Association of breath holding spells with iron deficiency anemia in children revealed as 56.67%
(n=17) in cases and 3.33% (n=1) in control group while remaining 43.33% (n=13) in cases and
96.67% (n=29) in control group had no findings of this association. P value was calculated as
<0.0001 and Odds Ratio was 37.92 which shows a significant difference between the two groups.
Conclusions: The association of breath holding spells with iron deficiency anemia in children is
significantly higher than healthy controls. So, it is recommended that every child who present with
breath holding spells should be evaluated for iron deficiency anemia

Author Biographies

Syed Qamar `Zaman, Military Hospital Rawalpindi

1. Registrar Paediatrics

Arshad Mahmood, PNS Shifa Naval Hospital Karachi

. Assistant Professor & HOD Paediatrics

Shabbir Ahmed, Military Hospital Rawalpindi

Assistant Professor
Department Of Paediatrics

Shahid Mahmud, Military Hospital Rawalpindi

Assistant Professor
Department of Paediatrics






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