
  • Mehreen Khalil 43/F Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi
  • Lubna Ali Civil Hospital, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi
  • Nazia Hakeem Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi



Menorrhagia, Fibroid, Obesity.


.. Introduction: Fibroids are the commonest benign tumors and it is estimated that
they occur in 20-40% of women during their reproductive years. Reported risk factors consistent
with the hormonal hypothesis include premenopausal status, younger at menarche, and obesity.
Reported protective factors include parity and oral contraceptive use. This study was designed to
give us the burden of fibroid and factors leading to fibroid. Objectives: To determine the
frequency and factors leading to fibroid in women presenting with menorrhagia in outpatient
department of gynae unit-I Civil Hospital Karachi. Study design: Cross sectional study. Setting:
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology- I, Civil Hospital, Karachi. Duration of study: Six
months from 12thMarch, 2011 to 11th September, 2011. Subjects and methods: A total of 121
patients meeting the inclusion criteria were enrolled in study. History was taken regarding
duration and severity of menorrhagia and the factors leading to fibroid including age, parity,
obesity and family history, women with a weight of 50kg or more were taken as obese. If findings
consistent with fibroid as per operational definition were found on ultrasound then it was termed
as -----fibroid +ve. Results: Mean (±SD) age was 27.9 (±5.3) years. Frequency of fibroid was
found in 68 (56.2%) patients with menorrhagia. Family history fibroid was found in 51 (42.1%)
women out of which fibroid was found positive in 30 (58.8%) women, that was the most common
factor leading to fibroid in this study, followed by obesity 28 (35.4%) and nulliparous 10 (25.6%).
Conclusions: Frequency of fibroid was found in 56.2% patients with menorrhagia. Family history
of fibroid was most common risk factor leading to fibroid found in 58.8% women.

Author Biographies

Mehreen Khalil, 43/F Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi


Lubna Ali, Civil Hospital, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi

Associate Professor OBGYN,

Nazia Hakeem, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi

3. Assistant Professor OBGYN






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