
  • Amtul Qayoom Shams Kazi Isra Dental College & Hospital, Hyderabad Sindh
  • Waqas Iqbal Isra Dental College & Hospital, Hyderabad Sindh
  • Saeed Sattar Shaikh Isra University Karachi Campus Sindh



Objective: Prevalence of dental caries among patients attended Isra Dental College
OPD. Setting/ Methodology: A total of 1037 patients with dental carries were recruited from the
outpatient clinic of the Department of Dentistry Isra University Hospital, Hyderabad. All 1037
patients who were affected by Dental caries were included in the analysis. Research period was
from January 2013 to December 2013. Local ethical committee approval was obtained before the
trial started from the local research ethical committee, Isra University Hospital and all patients
gave written informed consent. Written information about the study was given to each patient
before attending the clinic. All participants of the study had undergone careful clinical evaluation
including a full medical history and clinical examination to confirm the diagnosis of dental caries.
Determination of whether the patient fulfils the inclusion / exclusion criteria; written, witnessed
informed consent was obtained and a copy given to the patient. They were assured that they can
withdraw from the study, at any time, without being required to state a reason and this would not
affect their future management. Duration: January to December 2013. Sample Size: At
confidence level 1 and precision 0.1; calculated sample size was 1037. Study Design: Cross
Sectional Study. Sampling Technique: Non-Probability Sampling Technique. Inclusion
Criteria: Patients of ages 11-70 years participated as a study inhabitants were included.
Exclusion Criteria: Chronic debilitating disease (carcinoma, tuberculosis and diabetes).
Prolong steroid therapy (more than one month). BMI less than 18 (Before gathering information
BMI was computed from several patients by scaling via height and weight scale). Results: The
mean age of the participants was 28 years and ranged between 0 and 60 years; the majority of the
participants were Male, 60% (n=600), while 40% (n=400) were female. The entire population
(n=1000) was invited to participate in the quality evaluation of dental restorations in the hospital.
However, only those patients who had been willing to participate in the evaluation were included.
As mentioned above, a total of 1000 out of 1037 patients had agreed in this specific evaluation. A
tooth was recorded as “decayed” if it was presented with deteriorated and discolored condition
or it had a presentably softened floor or created an ecological imbalance in the equilibrium
between tooth, minerals and oral bio-films (plaque). The result of conducted study depicts that
Mean DMFT is higher in males i.e 0.99 and in females its 1. The present study confirmed the
findings comparing to previous studies by stating that DMFT keeps on increasing as the age
increases. The mean DMFT in age 11-20 is 0.005, 21-40 is 0.003 and 40-60 is 0.001. However, the
findings of the current study cannot be generalized because selective nature of inhabitants.
Conclusions: Therefore it’s the responsibility of family dentist to educate patients about
available treatment options and their expected outcomes. The research has evaluated the dental
caries risk profile in the adult population and the caries-related factors which can contribute to the
risk which were identified. The core reason for this unacceptable rating of such restorations was
recurrent level of dental caries.

Author Biographies

Amtul Qayoom Shams Kazi, Isra Dental College & Hospital, Hyderabad Sindh

BDS, Msc Oral Pathology
Assistant Professor
Department of Oral Pathology,

Waqas Iqbal, Isra Dental College & Hospital, Hyderabad Sindh

BDS, (MDS Oral Pathology)
Department of Oral Pathology

Saeed Sattar Shaikh, Isra University Karachi Campus Sindh

. MBBS, M.Phil.
Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology
Al-Tibri Medical College & Hospital






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