Efficacy of CA-125, CEA, AFP, & Beta HCG An institutional based descriptive & prospective study in diagnosis of ovarian malignancy


  • Naseer Ahmed Shaikh LUMHS Jamshoro
  • Farzana Memon LUMHS Jamshoro
  • Rukhsana Parveen Samro LUMHS Jamshoro




CA-125, Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), Alpha fetaprotein (AFP)


Object: Analysis of serum tumor markers CA-125, CEA, AFP, & ß-HCG in patients
with ovarian malignant tumors and correlation of their serum levels with histological types. Study
Design: Institution based descriptive and prospective study. Place & Duration: Department of
Pathology, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro from January 2009 to
June 2011. Material & Methods: One hundred cases, diagnosed as ovarian malignant tumor on
H&E staining were selected for study & measurement of serum CA-125, CEA, AFP, & ß-HCG
preoperatively and postoperatively in each case. Results: Out of 100 ovarian cancers diagnosed
on H&E stain 33 were serous cystadenocarcinoma, 29 mucinous adenocarcinoma, 19 germ cell
tumors and 15 sex-cord stromal tumors, 1 endometroid carcinoma, 1 brenner tumor, 1 clear cell
carcinoma and 1 case of NHL. Increased level of CA-125 was seen preoperatively in 33/33 cases
of serous cystadenocarcinoma and 24/29 cases of mucinous adenocarcinoma. Surprisingly
increased levels were also seen in 10/19 germ cell tumor and 8/15 in sex-cord stromal tumors.
CEA is raised in mucinous tumors. AFP & ß-HCG were raised in germ cell tumors & sex cordstromal
tumors. Serum tumor marker levels were declined following appropriate therapy of the
tumors. Conclusions: Serum tumor markers are useful and important for the detection of ovarian
tumors. They may also help in assessment of response to specific treatment, prognosis & follow
up of patient.

Author Biographies

Naseer Ahmed Shaikh, LUMHS Jamshoro

Assistant Professor

Farzana Memon, LUMHS Jamshoro

2. Associate Professor

Rukhsana Parveen Samro, LUMHS Jamshoro

. Senior Lecturer






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