
  • NISAR AHMED SHAIKH Shaheed Mohtarma Banazir Bhutto Medical  niversity / Chandka Medical College Larkana
  • GHULAM SHABIR SHEIKH Shaheed Mohtarma Banazir Bhutto Medical  University / Chandka Medical College Larkana
  • SHABIR AHMED LARIK Shaheed Mohtarma Banazir Bhutto Medical University / Chandka Medical College Larkana
  • Muhammad Iqbal Shaheed Mohtarma Banazir Bhutto Medical University / Chandka Medical College Larkana
  • MALIK Hussain Shaheed Mohtarma Banazir Bhutto Medical University / Chandka Medical College Larkana



Hydronephrosis, PUJ Obstruction, Renal stone


Objective: To study the clinical presentation and management of giant hydronephrosis. Setting: Civil Hospital Dadu and
Urology Department SMBBMU Larkana. Period: March 2004 to march 2011. Patients and methods: 28 Patient with giant hydronephrosis
treated. 18(64.3%) patients had unilateral and 2(7.1%)had bilateral pelvi ureteric junction obstruction, 4(14.3%) had ureteric stones and
remaining 4(14.3%) had multiple renal stones. All patients were treated with definitive surgery ie pyeloplasty, nephroplication, ureterolithotomy,
extended pyelolithotomy and nephrectomy. Six (21.4%) patients had elevated blood urea and serum creatinine level so initially treated by
percutaneous nephrostomy and ureteric cathetrization. Result: 10 out of 28 cases of giant hydronephrosis showed improvement in the function
and drainage as well as pelvi-calyceal system dilatation while 18 patients going for nephrectomy. Conclusions: Early referral and intervention
is necessary for giant hydronephrosis to prevent infection and deterioration of renal function.

Author Biographies

NISAR AHMED SHAIKH, Shaheed Mohtarma Banazir Bhutto Medical  niversity / Chandka Medical College Larkana

Assistant Professor of Urology 

GHULAM SHABIR SHEIKH, Shaheed Mohtarma Banazir Bhutto Medical  University / Chandka Medical College Larkana

Assistant Professor of Pathology

SHABIR AHMED LARIK, Shaheed Mohtarma Banazir Bhutto Medical University / Chandka Medical College Larkana

Assistant Professor of Community Medicine

Muhammad Iqbal, Shaheed Mohtarma Banazir Bhutto Medical University / Chandka Medical College Larkana

Asstt Prof of Urology

MALIK Hussain, Shaheed Mohtarma Banazir Bhutto Medical University / Chandka Medical College Larkana

Professor of Urology






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