
  • RAZAZIAN NAZANIN Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences  Kermanshah, Iran
  • REZAEI MANSOUR Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences Kermanshah, Iran



Insomnia, Daytime sleepiness, Sleep disorder, Medical students


Background: It has been estimated that 20% of adults and children have sleep disorder symptoms and signs. Sleep disorders
remain largely undiagnosed in the general population. Increasing evidence suggests that sleep alterations could favor subsequent depression
and behavioral disturbances. Aim of the study: Regarding high prevalence of sleep disorders in the general population and their effect on
mental and physical functions, this study was aimed to assess the prevalence of sleep disorders among medical students in Kermanshah
University of Medical Sciences. Methods: Assessment of sleep disorders was done by Global Sleep Assessment Questionnaire (GSAQ). In
this descriptive study, frequency of insomnia, daytime sleepiness, non-idiopathic insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome and
paroxysmal leg movement, nightmares, sleep walking and a sense of depression or anxiety was calculated. Results: A total number of 393
medical students, 151 male and 242 female, were recruited. One or more kinds of sleep disorders have been reported by 254 persons (64%).
The most frequent disorder was non-idiopathic insomnia (50.9%). Frequency of idiopathic insomnia was 29.5%. Prevalence of daytime
sleepiness was 21.4%. The least frequent disorder was sleep walking (1.5%). Subjective sense of anxiety or depression was reported by 109
persons (27.7%). Only 39 (9.9%) of the respondents had no disorder. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that sleep disorders are frequent in
our studied population of medical students. More education about sleep disorders, sleep hygiene, and management of a life style which
necessarily includes shift work and long hours of study, may lead to improved sleep patterns in medical students.

Author Biographies

RAZAZIAN NAZANIN, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences  Kermanshah, Iran

Assistant Professor of Neurology 

REZAEI MANSOUR, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences Kermanshah, Iran

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics






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