
  • Uzma Asif Islam Medical College Sialkot
  • Asma Mudassir Islam Medical College Sialkot
  • Salma Zaman Bahria hospital, Defence Lahore



Abortion,, induced abortion ,, traditional birth attendants,, septic abortion,, unwanted pregnancy,, abortion laws.


Objective: To determine the frequency and types of various complications and in-- hospital maternal outcome in induced abortion. Study design: An observational descriptive study. Place and Duration: Islam Medical College Sialkot, from January 2011 to January 2013. Methods and Materials: A descriptive study, 130 patients of induced abortion were selected by purposive convenient method. All patients with history of induced abortion were included. All patients with history of spontaneous or medically induced abortions were excluded. Patients were asked who performed the abortion, reason for seeking abortion, techniques and material used. Patients underwent a thorough clinical examination. Routine investigations, abdominal ultrasonography were performed. Evacuation of retained products of conception and Laparotomy was done if required. Pre--designed research proforma was used. SPSS--17 was used to analyze data. Frequency and percentages were calculated for categorical variables. Means and standard deviations were calculated for quantitative data like age, blood pressures, gestational age, and lab parameters. Results: Majority of the patients 63/130 were in the age group 31years and above,123 patients were married while 07 patients were unmarried., 76.92% (100/130) patients were illiterate, , 52.30% (68/130)of patients were from the urban and 47.69% (62/130)were from the rural areas. In 126 (96.92%) cases, abortion was done to get unwanted pregnancies terminated. Majority of cases were induced by unskilled persons. Majority, 51.53%(67/130) were para 5 and above. Commonest method employed was instrumentation which was used in 93.07% cases. Hemorrhage was seen in 69.23%, fever in 50% abdominal pain in 16.19%. Evacuation and curettage was done in 91 (70%) cases, laparotomy in 25 (19.23%) and only 14 (10.76%) were managed conservatively. Twenty five patients who underwent laparotomy had gut and uterine injuries. Seven women (5.38%) died during the study due to septicaemia and DIC. Postoperative complications occurred in 8 (6.15%) patients. Conclusions: Maternal mortality and morbidity due to induced abortion is still very high. Being a preventable cause of death, it can be controlled by proper implementations of family planning programs, training of midwives and easy access to contraceptive methods.

Author Biographies

Uzma Asif, Islam Medical College Sialkot

Assistant Professor of
Obstetric and Gynecology

Asma Mudassir, Islam Medical College Sialkot

Assistant Professor of
Obstetric and Gynecology






Origianl Article