Admitted Patients In Medical Ward of Independent University Hospital, Marzipura, Faisalabad.


  • Muhammad Ashraf Independent Medical College / University Hospital, Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Zakria Independent Medical College / Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad




Admissions,, diagnosis,, medical ward,, patients.


Communicable and gastrointestinal diseases followed by respiratory diseases
are the main reasons of admission in medical ward of developing countries. This is different from
the developed countries where non communicable diseases are the main reasons of hospital
admission. In developing countries the data of hospital admission are still lacking. Therefore this
study will help us to assess the common patterns of diseases admitted in a medical ward, the
average length of hospital stay etc. Objective: The objectives of this study are to assess the
patterns and prevalence of diseases, the most common diagnosis and average duration of
patient’s hospital stay. Design: Observational retrospective cross-sectional study. Patients and
methods: The record of 327 hospitalized patients in medical ward was analyzed for the period of
thirteen months from Mar 2013 to Mar 2014. Patient’s medical records were retrieved and data
analysis was done to obtain age, sex, common diagnosis, the affected system and the duration of
the hospital stay. The data was analyzed by using SPSSV 16. Results: After reviewing the data,
the most common age of patients being admitted were between 46-65 yrs (37.6%), followed by
between 26-45yrs (33%), < 25yrs (15.9 %) , between 66-85 yrs (12.5 % )and > 85 yrs were only
1% . Among the admitted patients females were more than the males except in case of liver
diseases. The most affected system was gastrointestinal ( 22.63 % ) and the most common
diagnosis was Diabetes Mellitus (12.84 %). The next common system involved was
cardiovascular (15.29 %), respiratory (14.37 %), endocrine / DM (10.70 %), neurology (9.48 %),
heamatology (3.36 %), renal (2.45 %) , rheumatology (1.84 %) and others ( including pyschiarty ,
poisoning, infectious , electric shock etc ) (5.81 %). The cause for hospital admission by infection
in different system was (20.48%) The average duration of hospital stay of the patients was 4 days.
Conclusions: The gastrointestinal diseases and the infectious diseases are the most common
diseases. The communicable diseases still hold a greater position in developing countries, while
non communicable diseases are main reasons for admission to the medical wards in developed

Author Biographies

Muhammad Ashraf, Independent Medical College / University Hospital, Faisalabad

Professor and Head of
Medicine Department

Muhammad Zakria, Independent Medical College / Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad

Assistant Professor of Medicine





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