Laparoscopic cholecystectomy,, cirrhotics,Abstract
Objective: It was conducted to evaluate laparoscopic cholecystectomy in cirrhotics in terms of procedural safety and better
outcome with decreased morbidity. Study Design: A retrospective, multicenteric study. Setting: Surgical Unit-III and IV DHQ Faisalabad.
Period: Jan 2000 to Dec 2009. Methods: 2610 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy from January 2000 to December 2009 for
cholecystitis and symptomatic gallstone disease. 61 of the patients being cirrhotics falling in child’s class A&B. Evaluation of results was done by
analyzining the data in SPSS V-17. Results: of the 2610 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 61(2.3%) were cirrhotic. Of
these 61, 47(77%) belonged to Childs group A and 14(23%) were group B. Hepatitis C was the major cause of cirrhosis (72%). Morbidity in
cirrhotics was 11.4% in the form of ascities leakage (57%) and port site infection (43%). Mean hospital stay was 2±1 days and the mean
operative time as 60±20 minutes in cirrhotics. Conclusions: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy offers a better post op recovery and decreased
morbidity in Childs group A & B cirrhotics as it does in non cirrhotic patients.