
  • ANWAAR HUSSAIN Punjab Medical College Faisalabad
  • Nabeela Kaukab Punjab Medical College Faisalabad
  • SAIF-U- DIN Punjab Medical College Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Ismail Ismail Punjab Medical College Faisalabad
  • KHALID MEHMOOD AKHTAR Punjab Medical College Faisalabad




Dexamethasone, thyroid, involution, steroid and thyroid gland


Aim and Objective: The study was conducted to see the effects of dexamethasone (synthetic corticosteroid) on involution of
hyperplastic thyroid gland in albino rats, and to evaluate its uses in thyroid diseases. Study Design: Comparative histological study done in
Postgraduate Medical Institute Lahore in 1998. Materials and methods: 54 adult male rats were taken and divided at random into control group
having 27 rats and experimental groups containing 27 rats. Control group was given normal diet along with 2 microgram of Potassium iodide
for 21 days while experimental groups further subdivided into group A having 3 rats and group B and C containing 12 rats each. All the
experimental groups were treated with Thiourea. Group A was sacrificed on day 22 after withdrawal of thiourea. Group B was given Potassium
iodide after stoppage of thiourea on day 21 and were sacrificed on days 22, 26, 30 and 50 in 4 sub groups (B1- B4). Group C was injected
Dexamethasone daily from day 22 to day 50 and sacrificed on same days in 4 subgroups (C1-C2) to study involution process. Results:
Histologically experimental group A exhibited significant increase in width and length of follicular cells lining the small sized follicles having
scanty colloid. The results of experimental subgroups B revealed early and complete involution whereas subgroups C showed significantly
persistent hyperplastic changes in the form of tall follicular cells lining small empty follicles. Conclusion: Thus it was concluded that
dexamehasone did retain hyperplastic changes during involution process, so steroid should consciously be used in thyroid diseases.

Author Biographies

ANWAAR HUSSAIN, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad

MBBS, M Phil (Sr. Demonstrator Anatomy)

Nabeela Kaukab, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad

MBBS, M Phil (Associate Professor Anatomy)

SAIF-U- DIN, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad

MBBS, M Phil (Associate professor Anatomy)

Muhammad Ismail Ismail, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad


KHALID MEHMOOD AKHTAR, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad

MBBS, M Phil (Associate Professor Anatomy)






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