Still cannot be prevented, a three year retrospective study in DHQ hospital, Faisalabad


  • MUHAMMAD MUAZZAM DHQ Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • SHEHZAD ADIL MANSOOR DHQ Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • SUMERA BADAR Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad
  • Asif Nadeem DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Bilal Anwar DHQ Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • M. Hussain Waseer DHQ Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Shoukat Ali DHQ Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan




Tetanus,, Clinical presentation,, Treatment outcome,, Tetanus Immunization


Background: Tetanus still remains a major public health problem in Pakistan like in most other developing countries, with a
high morbidity and mortality. Objectives: To study the demographic profile the clinical profile, the outcome of the tetanus patients and
effectiveness of tetanus immunization coverage in district Faisalabad. Design: Retrospective record based study. Place and Duration:
Surgical unit-5 DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad from January 2010 to December 2012. Subjects and Methods: All data of 198 patients of
tetanus of any age and sex, diagnosed clinically was collected, compiled and analyzed from the Medical Records Department of the
Hospital. Results: Out of 198 patients of tetanus,138(69.7%) were males and 60(30.3%) were females. Their ages ranged from 1 to 85
years with a mean and a standard deviation respectively of 29.36 and 17.48 years.162 (81.8%) were from rural and36(18.2%) were from
urban areas. 47(23.7%) patients were having prior immunization and151(76.3%) were not immunized. The most common presenting
symptoms were trismus (47.5%), body stiffness(24.2%),fits(19.2%) and respiratory distress(9.1%). 23(11.6%) patients were having
mild disease,71(35.9%) patients were having moderate disease,71(35.9%) patients were having severe disease and 33(16.7%) were
having very severe disease. Overall mortality rate was 41.4%. Respiratory failure was the most common cause of death and there was
statistically significant association between mortality and increasing grades of disease. Conclusions: By making expanded programme
of immunization(EPI) more effective and removing flaws from out-dated vaccination through incomplete vaccination. By improving
awareness in public and complete vaccination through EPI program, we can reduce the incidence of tetanus.

Author Biographies

MUHAMMAD MUAZZAM, DHQ Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan

Assistant Professor Surgery
Surgical unit-5,

SHEHZAD ADIL MANSOOR, DHQ Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan

Senior Registrar
Surgical Unit-5,

SUMERA BADAR, Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad

M. O Department of Medical Education

Asif Nadeem, DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan

Resident Medical Officer
Surgical Unit-5,

Bilal Anwar, DHQ Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan

Resident Medical Officer
Surgical unit-5,

M. Hussain Waseer, DHQ Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan

District Surgeon
Surgical unit-5,

Shoukat Ali, DHQ Hospital Faisalabad, Pakistan

Senior Registrar
Surgical Unit-5,






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