Incidence, of UGI bleeding factors and esophageal varices


  • MUHAMMAD ADNAN BAWANY Isra University Hospital Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan
  • JAHANGIR LIAQUAT Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro/Hyderabad\
  • MUHMMAD AKBER Isra University Hospital Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan
  • Falak Naz Isra University Hospital Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan
  • Shereen Rahat Khanzada Isra University Hospital Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan
  • Adnan Ali Khahro Isra University Hospital Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan
  • Saeed Arain Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro/Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan



Chronic liver disease,, upper GI bleeding,, varices.


Objective: To determine the frequency of upper GI bleeding and its predicting factors and esophageal varices in the patients
with liver cirrhosis disease admitted at medicine ward of Isra university hospital. Design: Prospective and observational study. Setting:
Isra university hospital. Period: March 2012 to August 2012 (six months). Methods: Containing 100 patients, mean age was 45.8, and all
the patients with cirrhosis disease were included in this study with liver cirrhosis disease. All patients were under went endoscopy and
Frequency of upper GI bleeding and varices presentation and classification according to grade were noted. Results: All the 100 patients
were selected on the basis of presenting liver cirrhosis disease. Male were more found than the female with the mean age 45.8. Mostly
cirrhotic patients were found with HCV positive and upper GI bleeding were noted in (40%) of the cases. With the endoscopic finding
mostly patients were noted in ll - lll grad of esophageal varices and according to child pug classification majority of patients was noted in
class “C” In addition, thrombocytopenia and red wale markings along with the presence of large sized varices were associated with the
presence of esophageal varices. Conclusions: In the conclusion of this study we found majority of the cirrhotic patients with HCV,
Esophageal varices and thrombocytopenia are the important factors of upper GI bleeding. Knowledge and etiology of this manuscript may
helpful in the prevention of oesophageal varices and upper GI bleeding.

Author Biographies

MUHAMMAD ADNAN BAWANY, Isra University Hospital Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan

MBBS, FCPS (Medicine)
Assistant Professor

JAHANGIR LIAQUAT, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro/Hyderabad\

MBBS, MD (Medicine)
Consultant Physician
Department of Medicine

MUHMMAD AKBER, Isra University Hospital Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan

MBBS, FCPS (Medicine)
Assistant Professor

Falak Naz, Isra University Hospital Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan


Shereen Rahat Khanzada, Isra University Hospital Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan

DPT (student)

Adnan Ali Khahro, Isra University Hospital Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan


Saeed Arain, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro/Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan

Department of Medicine






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