Compare the outcome in closed diaphyseal humeral shaft fracture with type A1-2 , A2-2 and A3


  • IMRAN KHAN Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro
  • MUHAMMAD AYUB LAGHARI Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro
  • SHAKEEL AHMED MEMON Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro
  • Muhammad Khan Pahore Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro




Intramedullary nails,, Dynamic compression plate


Objective: The objectives of the study are to compare the outcome of dynamic compression plates with intramedullary
nails in closed diaphyseal humeral shaft fracture with type A1-2 , A2-2 and A3. Study Design: Comparative study. Place and duration of
study: Study was carried out at the Orthopaedics Unit-I, Liaquat University Hospital Hyderabad / Jamshoro , from March 2007 to Feb
2009. Methodology: Study consisted of 40 patients of diagnosed cases of closed diaphyseal humeral shaft fracture with type A1-2 , A2-2
and A3. Patients were divided in two groups. Group A for dynamic compression plates and group B for intramedullary nails. Detailed
Clinical examination of the patient was done and recorded in proforma. Systemic review was also done to see any major or minor head
injury. All patients underwent for base line investigation. In Inclusion criteria; patients with type A1-2 , A2-2 and A3-2 closed diaphyseal
humeral shaft fracture ,bilateral fractures, associated with minor head injuries, age between 20-40 years and fracture not more than two
weeks old. In Exclusion criteria ; Open fracture, associated with severe chest or abdominal injuries, pathological fractures and malunited
fractures with neurological deficit. Follow up of all these patients was done .1st four visit after every week , then alternet week upto 3rd
month then monthly upto 6 month to assess any complication. Results were prepared with help of tables and graphs. Data was analyzed
through SPSS software version 16.0. Results: In both groups male were 35(87.5%) and female 5(12.5%) with male: Female Ratio of 7:1.
There was wide variation of age ranging from a minimum of 20 year to 40 year in both group. The mean age was 29.78+3.5 years. The
most common cause of fracture shaft of humerus was road traffic accident (RTA). There were 23( 57.5%) patients who sustained
fractures of the humerus following road traffic accidents. Eight (20%) cases had fractures shaft of humerus after fall from height and 9 (
22.5 %) cases had fractures shaft after assault. The Fracture pattern was Oblique in 22(55%) cases ,Transverse in 12( 30%) and Spiral in
6(15 %) . Severity of post operative pain in both groups was recorded. Mild pain was felt in 10(50%) patients of DCP group and 6 (30%)
patients of IMN group, Moderate pain was seen in 7(35%) patients of DCP group and 10 (50%) patients of IMN group, severe pain was
described by 3(15%) patients in DCP group and 4 (20%) patients in IMN group. The complications seen in this study were Infection
(1(5%) patients in DCP VS 0(0%) patients in IMN group), Iatrogenic palsy of radial nerve (1(5%) patients in DCP VS 0 (0%) patients in IMN
group), Non union (1(5%) patients in DCP VS 1 (5%) patients in IMN group),Severe impingement (0(0%) patients in DCP VS 3 (15%)
patients in IMN group), Adhesive capsulitis (0(0%) patients in DCP VS 2 (10%) patients in IMN group ). However minimal loss of fixation in
1 (5%) cases and late fracture occurred in one case 5%. The duration of hospital stay varied from 1 to 20 days. It was longer about -10-20
days in 12(60%) of DCP patients as compared to IMN cases where majority 11(55%) were discharged within 1 to 10 days. The mean
hospital stay in DCP group was 15 days and IMN group was 13.5 days. Conclusions: Dynamic compression plate is a safe and effective
procedure for treatment of humeral shaft fractures. With low threshold of complications it has significant advantages over intramedullary
nails procedure revealed with earlier mobilization, minimum hospitalization and fast recovery towards normal life.

Author Biographies

IMRAN KHAN, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro

M.S (Orthopaedics)
Consultant Orthopaedics
Department of Orthopaedics Unit-I

MUHAMMAD AYUB LAGHARI, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro

Consultant Orthopaedics
Department of Orthopaedics Unit-I

SHAKEEL AHMED MEMON, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro

M.S (Orthopaedics)
Consultant Orthopaedics
Department of Orthopaedics Unit-I

Muhammad Khan Pahore, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro

Assistant Professor
Department of Orthopaedics Unit-I






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