Effectiveness of single dose perioperative mitomycin-c instillation in reducing recurrence


  • AMJAD ALI SIDDIQUI Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore
  • JAMSHED RAHIM Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore
  • ATHAR MAHMOOD Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore
  • Jamil Rahim Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore



Superficial bladder tumor,, Mitomycin –C,, Perioperative TURBT.


Introduction: Bladder cancer is the second most common urologic cancer. Approximately 90% are transitional cell
carcinoma among which superficial bladder cancer constitutes about 50-70%. It is usually treated by transurethral resection with
adjuvant intravesical instillations of chemotherapy or immunotherapy. Primary problems in superficial bladder cancers are its tendency to
recur, about 50-80%, following surgical ablation alone, with progression to muscle invasive disease in 20-25% cases. Intravesical
chemotherapy appears to have major impact on decreasing chances of recurrence of superficial bladder cancer. Objective: To determine
the efficacy of single dose perioperative intravesical mitomycin C in reducing recurrence of superficial bladder tumor. Study Design:
Comparative study. Settings: Department of Urology Shaikh Zayed Hospital Lahore. Duration of Study: One year.13-04-2009 to 13-04-
2010. Methodology: Patients were divided into two groups randomly by using random numbers i.e. 40 patients in group A and 40 patients
in group B. Group A (40 patients) of bladder tumor received post TURBT single dose Mitomycin-C 40 mg/40ml N/Saline intravesically and
Group B (40 patients) was control group i.e. TURBT alone without Mitomycin-C. Results: The recurrence at first year follow up in both
groups were showed a significant difference (p<0.05) as shown in Table No V: There were only 10% recurrence in Group A i.e. patients
who had intravesical Mitomycin –C as compared to 55% recurrence in Group B, who did not received postoperative intravesical
Mitomycin–C. Conclusions: It is concluded that one perioperative (within 6 hours of TURBT) intravesical instillation of chemotherapy
significantly decreases the risk of recurrence after TURBT in patients with stage Ta T1, single and multiple papillary bladder cancer in low
risk as well as high risk tumors. One immediate instillation after TUR reduces the recurrence.

Author Biographies

AMJAD ALI SIDDIQUI, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore

Department of Urology

JAMSHED RAHIM, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore

Department of Urology

ATHAR MAHMOOD, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore

Department of Urology

Jamil Rahim, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore

Department of Urology






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