Hospital staff awareness at a tertiary care health facility


  • SHAEEB MUSTAFA King Fahad Medical City Riyadh (KSA)
  • SHABEER AHMAD WANI King Fahad Medical City Riyadh (KSA)
  • ASIYA WALI King Fahad Medical City Riyadh (KSA)



Antimicrobial resistance,, hospital staff,, global problem


Introduction: Antimicrobial resistance is a global problem and awareness of hospital staff to it is limited. Objective: To
study the awareness among hospital staff at a tertiary care health facility regarding knowledge of antimicrobial resistance. Study Design:
It is a prospective observational study. Setting: Sheri Kashmir institute of medical sciences which is a tertiary care medical centre in Indian
part of Kashmir. Period: Study was done over 6 month period from January 2011 to june 2011. Materials and Methods: A study was
conducted in a tertiary care hospital among the hospital staff through a personal interview regarding their knowledge about antimicrobial
resistance. Results: 86% of the hospital staff interviewed considered antimicrobial resistance is a significant national problem but only
52% considered it a problem in their own hospital. Clinicians considered that antimicrobial resistance is a problem more than other
professionals. Majority of health professionals including clinician’s rating of the knowledge of awareness of antimicrobial resistance was
average or low. The most important force/factor to prescribe any antibiotic was patient’s condition, while clinician’s profit interest is
having the least influence. Conclusions: This study concluded that the knowledge of awareness of antimicrobial resistance among health
care professionals indicate that it is a national problem but far less a problem at their own hospital. The in-service education regarding
antimicrobial resistance among the hospital staff was not up to the mark.

Author Biographies

SHAEEB MUSTAFA, King Fahad Medical City Riyadh (KSA)

MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine)
Assistant Consultant Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

SHABEER AHMAD WANI, King Fahad Medical City Riyadh (KSA)

MBBS, MS (Surgery), M.Ch (Plastic Surgery),
MRCS (Glasgow)
Associate Consultant Plastic Surgery

ASIYA WALI, King Fahad Medical City Riyadh (KSA)

MBBS, MD (Community Medicine)
Lecturer (Community Medicine)
Faculty of Medicine






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