Diabetes Mellitus,, Hypomagnesaemia,, insulin resistance,, diabetes complications.Abstract
Objective: To determine frequency of Hypomagnesaemia in patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus in our population. Data
Source: Random selection of DM II patients from Outpatient Department CMH, Kharian. Design: Cross sectional study. Setting:
Combined Military Hospital Kharian, Department of Medicine. Duration of study: January 2011 to December 2011. Materials &
Methods: We selected outdoor patients of DM-2 from both gender between 40 to 70 yrs of age by random sampling. Those selected,
were subjected to blood fasting and random glucose measurements as well as serum magnesium levels. Blood samples were collected
using full aseptic measures and within one hour, samples were transported to Armed Forces institute of Pathology (AFIP) for analysis.
Serum magnesium level estimation was done by timed endpoint method using calmagite dye. DXC 600 automated analyzer was used.
The results were verified by Pathologist. Results: The overall frequency of Hypomagnesemia was 32.2% (124 out of the 385 subjects)
using the cutoff value of less than 0.6mmol/l for Hypomagnesaemia, whereas 67.8% (261 out of the 385 individual) had normal serum
magnesium levels. Conclusions: Significant number of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus suffers from Hypomagnesaemia. These
patients have increased risk risk of poor Glycemic control and diabetic complications due to Hypomagnesemia. Therefore, it is
recommended that serum magnesium levels should be checked regularly in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and oral magnesium
replacement should be done.