
  • Rehan Khawaja Rawal Institute of Health Science, Islamabad
  • Tahir Munir Rawal Institute of Health Science, Islamabad
  • Uzma Hassan Rawal Institute of Health Science, Islamabad
  • Syed Shoaib Shah Shifa International Medical College, Islamabad




Diabetes Mellitus type-2, Anti-oxidants


Objectives: To access the Antioxidant Status in Patient with Variation in Duration
of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Data source: 90 selected patients suffering from Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus (DM) and 30 subjects as control group. Design of study: Case Control Study. Setting:
Rawal Institute of Health Sciences, Islamabad. Period: July 2013 – March 2014. Materials
& methods: Out of 120 selected subjects, 90 were of DM type 2and 30 were assigned as
control group (group 1). Based on duration, patients of DM type 2 were divided into; group
2, 3 and 4; group 2 – patients with DM (type 2) duration less than 5 years, group 3 - with DM
duration between 5-10 years and group 4 - with duration of DM more than 10 years. Smokers,
renal failure, coronary artery disease, thyroid disease and previous antioxidant treatment
patients were excluded from the study. Diabetes mellitus type 2 was diagnosed according to
the standards set by American Diabetes Association. The fasting plasma glucose levels were
measured by glucose oxidase method; HbA1c by automated kit on Cobas Integra of Roche.
The TAC was measured by calorimetric TAC Assay Kit (BioVision) while Vitamin C and E were
measured by using ELISA Kit (HUMAN). Cut off values for HbA1c was taken as ≤6%; FBS
≤110 mg/dl; TAC ≥1.16 mmol/L; Vitamin C ≥2 mg/dl; Vitamin E ≥ 9.5nmol/ml. Results: As
the duration of type 2 diabetes increases, it was seen that vitamin C levels and TAC levels in
all groups except between groups 1 & 2 decreased significantly; however, anti-oxidant vitamin
E, was found to be significantly decreased in all the groups as the duration increases. A
significantly increased level of HbA1c were noticed in groups 2, 3 and 4 as compared to group
1 as the duration of diabetes increases; however, the levels were found to be non-significant
when group 4 was compared with that of group 2 and group 3. When fasting blood sugar
was compared between the diabetic groups a significant increased levels were noticed in all
the groups with the exception between group 3 and 4. A significant differences between each
group and within the groups was observed when Hb1Ac, vitamin E, vitamin C, &TAC were
compared using ANOVA. A statistical significant correlation was observed when HbA1c was
correlated with FBS; however, it shows an inverse relationship with TAC, vitamin C and vitamin
E. A significant inverse correlation of FBS was noticed with TAC, vitamin C, and vitamin E. A
significant positive correlation was seen when TAC was correlated with vitamin C and vitamin E.
A similar trend of significant positive correlation was seen when vitamin C was correlated with
vitamin E. Conclusions: The levels of total anti-oxidant capacity, vitamin C, and vitamin E
gradually decrease with duration of diabetes and are associated with oxidative stress. These
antioxidant vitamins (vitamin C and vitamin E) should be supplemented in diabetics to increase
their quality of life. TAC status may be taken as early marker to detect complications in diabetic
type 2 patients especially of longer duration.

Author Biographies

Rehan Khawaja, Rawal Institute of Health Science, Islamabad

Department of Biochemistry

Tahir Munir, Rawal Institute of Health Science, Islamabad

Department of Physiology

Uzma Hassan, Rawal Institute of Health Science, Islamabad

Department of Community Medicine

Syed Shoaib Shah, Shifa International Medical College, Islamabad

M.Phil, PhD.
Department of Forensic






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