
  • Nasim Ilyas Poonch Medical College, Rawalakot.
  • Kashif Rahim Rawal Institute of Health Sciences, Islamabad.
  • Azka Waqar Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.




Awareness, Out Patient Department and Hypertension, Non communicable disease


Hypertension is a common term to define a state of raised blood pressure, and the
raised blood pressure is 140 mm Hg mean systolic blood pressure of and mean diastolic blood
pressure of at least 90 mm Hg. Objectives: To assess awareness about Hypertension among
patients attending Medical OPD at THQ Hospital Hassan Abdal. Materials and Methods: A total
of 150 male, female patients belonging to both rural and urban areas attending Medical Out
Patient Department at THQ Hospital Hassan Abdal using a self constructed mixed questionnaire
(In English and Urdu). Results: Following findings were observed among patients attending
THQ hospital, Hassan Abdal: Family history of HTN was found to be 49% and 26% was unaware
of family history of HTN. 33% found to have diabetes, 38% were unaware of having or not.
29.3% found to have HTN, 48.6% were unaware of having HTN or not. 34% of hypertensive
patients showed compliance to the anti-hypertensive treatment while (66%) showed noncompliance.
60.6%, 78%, 62%, 74%, 68% considered the obesity, lack of exercise, cigarette
smoking, anxiety and high cholesterol respectively as causative factor of HTN. Excessive intake
of salt was considered by 56% as causative factor of HTN. 29% considered diabetes Mellitus as
causative factor of HTN. 42%, 31%, 46% and 34% considered the cardiac disease, renal failure,
brain hemorrhage and loss vision respectively as complication of HTN. Stroke was considered
complication by (54%). 55%, 65%, 53% and 58% considered the regular exercise reduced salt
intake, no smoking and keeping weight under-Control respectively as preventive measures of
HTN. Less than half of the respondents considered frequent use of vegetables, excessive intake
of sweets, as the preventive measures of HTN. Conclusions: The assessment of awareness
about Hypertension among population of various areas can be beneficial in effective planning
for disease prevention and control.

Author Biographies

Nasim Ilyas, Poonch Medical College, Rawalakot.

Assistant Professor Biochemistry

Kashif Rahim, Rawal Institute of Health Sciences, Islamabad.

Senior Lecturer

Azka Waqar, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.

M.Phil Student






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