
  • Wajid Ali Akhunzada Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar Pakistan.
  • Altaf Qadir General Hospital Lahore.
  • Niaz Maqsood Quid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur.
  • Ghulam Rasool Bolan Medical College Quetta.
  • Raza Ur Rahman Dow University of health Sciences, Karachi.



Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs, Anxiety and Depression


Most internally displaced persons (IDPs) live in low-income countries
experiencing a war; their psychosocial health has not been well addressed. Objectives: To find
out the prevalence of anxiety and depression in internally displaced persons (IDPs). Design:
A randomized cluster sampling, case-controlled study. Period: 10th April 2009 to 10th July
2009. Setting: This study was conducted at Kacha Ghari camp and Sheikh Yaseen camp for
IDPs. Patients and Method: A total of 220 cases (those whom were exposed to traumatic
experiences) were selected through cluster random sampling. 220-matched controls (those
whom were not exposed to traumatic experiences) were selected same day using the same
sampling method. Both sexes were included. Socio-demographic information was obtained
from IDP- information form. Anxiety and depression was assessed using Hopkins symptoms
checklist – 25 (HSCL-25). SPSS version -17 was used for statistical analysis. Chi square test
was applied for group comparison to calculate statistical significance. Results: More than
half of the participants (60 %) in this study were in age group between 18 to 38 years. 55 %
of the population were females. Majority of participant were married (86% - 90%) and were
uneducated (74% - 90%) belongs to lower socio-economical class. The total Scores and the
Depression Scores on Hopkins symptoms checklist – 25 (HSCL-25), were significant high in
case group than in control group with the P values of 0.04 and 0.05 respectively. Discussion:
Trauma and torture leaves a permanent scar on the survivors. It has physical, psychological and
social squeals. Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-25 is intended to provide primary care physicians,
mental health practitioners and other health care providers with an instrument for detecting
anxiety and depression in torture and trauma victims. Conclusions: Besides being displaced
from their residence exposure to trauma come out to be the important causative factor in
creating psychological disturbance among internally displaced persons.

Author Biographies

Wajid Ali Akhunzada, Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar Pakistan.

Associate Professor &
Head Department of Psychiatry

Altaf Qadir, General Hospital Lahore.

Associate Professor of Psychiatry, PGMI/ Lahore

Niaz Maqsood, Quid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur.

Professor of Psychiatry

Ghulam Rasool, Bolan Medical College Quetta.

Professor and Head
Department of Psychiatry

Raza Ur Rahman, Dow University of health Sciences, Karachi.

Professor of Psychiatry






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