
  • NADEEM SHAHZAD King Edward Medical University/ Unit-III Lady Willingdon Hospital, Lahore.
  • FARHAT ASLAM King Edward Medical University, Lahore.
  • AISHA MALIK King Edward Medical University/ Unit III Lady willingdon Hospital, Lahore
  • ASIF HANIF Gulab Devi PGMI, Lahore.



Lower back pain (LBP),, physiotherapy,, obese,, pregnancy


Introduction: Backache is a common problem during pregnancy that is faced by almost one quarter of all pregnant women
worldwide. Objectives: To find an association between backache and pregnancy with respect to obesity and to evaluate the effect of
physiotherapy for relief of pain. Methodology: This longitudinal observational & randomized control study was conducted on pregnant
females for a period of six months. 150 females fulfilling the inclusion criteria were enrolled into two groups i.e. obese patients (BMI
>29.9) and non obese patients (BMI<29.9). All information was recorded on a Performa that was later entered and analyzed using
SPSS-11.5. Results: The mean age of all patients was 33.67±6.73 years with overall average gestational age of 27.47±5.19 weeks.
Flexed posture was observed in 90(60%) patients and 60(40%) had very bad sitting habit. There were 80 (53.3%) obese and 70 (46.7%)
non-obese patients. Lordosis was observed in 50 cases, straight spine was observed in 90 cases while 60 patients had no straight spine.
st Most females reported that pain started during the 1 trimester (110) but only 40 females reported that they developed pain in the 2nd
trimester.100 females reported that pain was continuous while 50 had intermittent. There were 50 (33%) patients who had severe
backache while 100 (66.7%) had worse possible pain which was regressed to no pain in 140(93.3%) patients at final follow up visit and
only 10 (6.7%) had moderate pain after physiotherapy. The difference between pre and post physiotherapy was statistically significant.
Both obese and non-obese patients were reported to be benefited but better results were found in non-obese patients. Conclusions: We
conclude that physiotherapy is effective in reducing the backache in pregnant females and has no side effects on fetus and mother. Also,
more effective results can be achieved through physiotherapy in non-obese patients compared to obese patients. Thus, Physiotherapy
can be recommended as the first line treatment for pregnant females.

Author Biographies

NADEEM SHAHZAD, King Edward Medical University/ Unit-III Lady Willingdon Hospital, Lahore.

Assistant Professor of Obs & Gyne

FARHAT ASLAM, King Edward Medical University, Lahore.

Doctor of physiotherapy

AISHA MALIK, King Edward Medical University/ Unit III Lady willingdon Hospital, Lahore

Professor of Obs & Gyne

ASIF HANIF, Gulab Devi PGMI, Lahore.

(MSc. Biostatistics, MS. Applied Statistics).
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics






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