The correlation between percent liver weight (PLW) and percent fat cells (PFC) of liver in HFD-STZ induced diabetic rats in comparison with insulin, metformin and combination treated diabetic rats.


  • Sahar Mubeen Dow International Medical College, DUHS.
  • Mahrukh Kamran Dow International Medical College, DUHS.
  • Hina Mubeen DHA Suffa University.
  • Rabia Rehan Dow International Medical College, DUHS.
  • Iffat Raza Karachi Institute of Medical Sciences, CMH Malir.



Percent Liver Weight, Percent Fat Cells, Type 2 Diabetes, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver, Hepatic Steatosis


Background: The study was designed to evaluate short term effects of commonly used antidiabetic drugs on liver.  The objective of the study is to observe and analyze the correlation between percent liver weight and percent liver fat cells in control rats and diabetic, insulin, metformin and insulin-metformin combination treated high fat diet (HFD) / Streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic albino rats. Study Design: Experimental comparative study. Setting: Institute of Bio Medical Sciences (IBMS), Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), Ojha Campus, Karachi. Period: December 2014 to May 2015. Materials and Methods: The experimental study was conducted on 50 albino wistar rats. 10 rats served as control rats while rest of the rats were experimentally induced for diabetes type 2 and were then randomized into 5 groups. One group was treated with insulin, one with metformin, and the one group with insulin-metformin combination for 4 weeks. All the treated groups were compared with untreated and control group. At the end of experiment, all the rats were sacrificed and livers were isolated and weighed. Percent liver weight calculated. Liver cut sections were processed and stained to analyze the correlation in percent fat cells in liver percent liver weight and in each treated and untreated diabetic groups, then the results were compared with control rats. Results: Data is analyzed by using SPSS Version 22.  Pearson correlation was used to identify correlation between the percent liver weight and percent fat cells in liver of control, treated and untreated diabetic groups. Significant and positive correlation (p-value < 0.01) in insulin treated group of diabetic rats was observed indicating that insulin has a role in causing fatty liver. Conclusion: Insulin treated diabetic group shows a significant positive correlation between percent fat cells of liver and percent liver weight.

Author Biographies

Sahar Mubeen, Dow International Medical College, DUHS.

MBBS, M.Phil Anatomy

Associate Professor

Department of Anatomy


Mahrukh Kamran, Dow International Medical College, DUHS.

MBBS, M.Phil Anatomy

Assistant Professor

Department of Anatomy


Hina Mubeen, DHA Suffa University.

MS Management Science,

MBA (Human Resource Management)

Assistant Professor

Department of Management Sciences



Rabia Rehan, Dow International Medical College, DUHS.

MBBS, M.Phil Anatomy

Assistant Professor

Department of Anatomy



Iffat Raza, Karachi Institute of Medical Sciences, CMH Malir.

MBBS, M.Phil Anatomy

Assistant Professor

Department of Anatomy








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